The main parachute packing syllabus can be found on the British Skydiving website and the form number is 111 (Approved Packing Course Syllabus)
Learning to pack is a skill that’s worth taking your time over. Don’t try and learn everything at once. It’s best to learn one of the lessons in the syllabus and master that before moving on to the next lesson.
History has proven that the majority of malfunctions are down to bad packing skills, poor maintenance, incorrect assembly and incompatible component parts.
If every skydiver took the time to master packing skills we could eradicate most of the malfunctions.
A qualified packer will have learnt how to pack a parachute; however, a good packer will have learnt how to prevent a malfunction.
It’s best to learn on one set of equipment at a time and once you’ve qualified and had your packing certificate endorsed by the BPA, then start to add new sets of equipment to your certificate.
Whenever you add new equipment to your packing certificate, it’s important to learn the different skills required for that particular set of equipment. For example: you should not pack F111 canopies in the same manner a zero porosity canopy or a mixed material canopy.
Some components may look similar on all rigs but require a different packing method for them to function as designed. A good understanding of parachute equipment will provide you with a safe foundation to support your skydiving career.
There are a lot of myths associated with packing and it’s your job to fully understand what you’ve been taught and why.
Don’t accept advise from only one person, confirm what you’ve been taught by a second or third person who’s qualified and uses the equipment that you’re working on.
After qualifying as an approved packer you may, if you choose, take part in the tandem approved packer’s course to qualify as a tandem packer.
This is a requirement if you want to pack tandem rigs or attend a tandem instructor’s course.